Re-Elect Renee – trusted experience you can count on!
- Experienced
- Trustworthy
- Believes in
- Parents
- Our Kids
- Our Community!
I’m running for re-election to ensure continued excellence in the Eureka Union School District. In an era of mass teacher layoffs throughout the state, Eureka just enacted a balanced budget, is adding new programs, re-invigorating existing programs and ensuring that our schools continue to attract new families to our community. That keeps property values high whether or not you have school aged children. I have the experience and expertise to do the job. Besides me, the average years of experience on the board is only three. Experience is critical as the district continues to face a barrage of issues, not the least of which is funding deferrals from the State.
Test Scores Remain Tops in County
Renee’s work to keep dollars in the classroom – along with hiring the top teachers — has shown up in Eureka Union School District’s statewide standardized test scores, which have consistently been not just tops in Placer County but also some of the best in Northern California.
How our English Language Arts (ELA) and Math scores compare to neighboring districts and statewide for the 22-23 school year.
Percentages below are of students in each district that met or exceeded education standards.